The 25 Biblical Laws of Success - William Douglas, Rubens Teixeira

The 25 Biblical Laws of Success - William Douglas, Rubens Teixeira

Did you know that the Bible has a lot to teach you about business? Start your professional growth now by applying the 25 Bible Laws essential to success!

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The Bible is certainly one of the most famous and reads books in the world, and it gathers crucial teachings for a full spiritual life. The intent of William Douglas and Rubens Teixeira in "The 25 Biblical Laws of Success" was to connect this teachings with our business to reach success.

What many don't realize, however, is the potential that this gathering of religious texts has to transform their professional life and business as well, ensuring prosperity and wealth in the short and long term.

More than that, the Bible is a true manual and can guide your steps better than any counselor. And this what we want to show to you in this Summary.

Became curious about this subject? Follow us through this summary and discover all these laws and how to apply them in your life!

About the book "The 25 Biblical Laws of Success"

The 25 Biblical Laws of Success (2012), written by William Douglas and Rubens Teixeira, is an unpublished compilation of passages from the Bible that present the steps to professional success.

In an in-depth Bible study, the authors identified crucial passages that deal not only with spirituality but also with what is needed to thrive and achieve financial success.

About the authors William Douglas and Rubens Teixeira

William Douglas is a federal judge in Rio de Janeiro, a university professor, writer, and successful speaker. He has written more than 25 books, many of them bestsellers in the country, and helps many others achieve success.

Rubens Teixeira, co-author of the book, is a finance director, teacher, writer, and speaker, bringing together years of success in his financial career.

To whom is this book indicated?

The authors William Douglas and Rubens Teixeira had written the book "The 25 Biblical Laws of Success" extracting some main points from the Bible that could help you to complete your goals.

Reading is recommended for professionals and entrepreneurs who want to make the most of biblical wisdom by turning work into prosperity and wealth by following the right path.

If you are lost and do not know what to do with your business and life, do not worry! Here are 25 biblicals advices to boost your career and lifestyle, to reach the success!

Main ideas of the book "The 25 Biblical Laws of Success"

To give you an overview of the summary, we have separated here some of the main ideas of the book. They are:

  • More than just a spiritual book, the Bible is a true guide for those who want to succeed;
  • There is a myth that getting rich requires luck. The Bible shows that everything depends on effort and opportunity;
  • Many advices in the Bible is not only important for success but prerequisites you must follow if you are to prosper;
  • In addition to following the laws, we must overcome capital sins that prevent success;
  • Opportunities reach everyone regardless of social class or age. You need to be prepared to enjoy them;
  • Success is not restricted to professional success and you can apply all 25 laws in other areas of life, including marriage.

This book is divided into 6 parts, which present every aspect of your life that needs to be governed by Bible Laws for you to succeed. Now, let's find out all these laws and start applying in your life? Check it out!

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[Book Summary] The 25 Biblical Laws of Success - William Douglas, Rubens Teixeira

Overview: Introduction

The Bible is a crucial book for developing spirituality as a Christian. However, the book also contains lifelong practical teachings, even for those without religiousness.

And the truth is that the vast majority of people, even Christians, disregard or forget to apply many of the best advice in the Bible, failing to achieve success. But the book "The 25 Biblical Laws of Success" is here to you with that!

Mindset Change: Forget the Success Myth

According to the authors William Douglas and Rubens Teixeira, in Brazil, many feeds the thought that it's only possible to get rich through great luck. Or worse, through corruption and theft, making wealth even "dirty" and illicit looking.

But the truth is that there is a possibility of growing professionally, expanding your business and acquiring wealth in a completely lawful manner and taking steps that the Bible itself indicates.

Good practice is to think like the following statements from the book:

  • Wanting to change and improve your life is not a sin. Just beware of the selfish and careless ambition towards others;
  • God has no obligation to work miracles, provide professional success, or give wealth to anyone.

What kind of success do you want?

The book "The 25 Biblical Laws of Success" explains all 25 laws that are essential for professional success. However, it isn't just in your career or business that you can apply these teachings.

Other areas of your life, such as study and even marriage, will also benefit from these simple laws and will help you to be happy.

After all, happiness is not just built with professional success, and the best way to achieve it is to have other areas of your life thriving as well.

Overview: Overcoming the Deadly Sins

In this section of the book "The 25 Biblical Laws of Success" is highlighted that before starting to apply the 25 Bible laws of success, it's important to clear your mindset, overcoming deadly sins that hinder the pursuit of success.

There are several of them, but the authors William Douglas and Rubens Teixeira cite those that are most problematic:

  • The sin of haste;
  • The sin of covetousness;
  • The sin of lack of pleasure at work;
  • The sin of wrath against wealth;
  • The sin of envy;
  • The sin of laziness;
  • The sin of pride.

Practical Tips for Overcoming Deadly Sins

How to cure this seven sins that block success? Here are some tips!

  • The sin of haste: keep in mind that it is more important to do everything patiently and well-done than haste;
  • The sin of greed: be mature in managing your money, and don't have it as a priority in your life. Avoid pure greed and pettiness;
  • The sin of lack of pleasure at work: every function and activity brings learning, learn to enjoy it. Work on your motivation by thinking about the role your work can play in your clients' lives;
  • The sin of wrath against wealth: keep in mind that being poor is no more honorable than being rich. Find positive referrals, people who have achieved success in a way you believe;
  • The sin of envy: focus your ambitions on yourself, avoiding comparing your success with that of others;
  • The sin of laziness: overcome laziness by using planning to your advantage. When you feel unmotivated, think of all that you will achieve if you keep following your plan;
  • The sin of pride: work out your humility, remembering that every good leader is humble. Remember to value not only the people around you but also your coworkers and employees.

Overview: The Laws of Wisdom

1. Law of opportunity

"Everything happens equally to everyone: the same happens to the righteous and the wicked; to the good, the pure and the unclean; both to the sacrifice and to the non-sacrifice [...]" (Ecclesiastes 9: 2)

In this chapter, the authors William Douglas and Rubens Teixeira cites several Bible passages to show one truth: opportunities arise, and this happens all the time. Everyone will have the opportunity to change their lives, regardless of social class or educational level.

The authors say that, yes, the opportunities will certainly not be the same for everyone. But they exist. And it's up to you to enjoy them.

2. Law of wisdom

"Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding, because the better the profit it gives than silver [...]" (Proverbs 3: 13-14)

According to the book "The 25 Biblical Laws of Success", wisdom is one of those binding principles to achieve success. It doesn't mean being smarter or a genius but it means knowing what to do, how to do it, where and why.

Steps of wisdom

  • Have values and follow them;
  • Seek knowledge to become more competent in what you do;
  • Know in-depth the context of everything in your life, from the people you work with, to details related to your job.

3. Law of Vision

"Then the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it readable upon boards, that it may read whosoever passeth by." (Habakkuk 2: 2)

William Douglas and Rubens Teixeira says that the Law of Vision dictates that you need to have a clarity of thought about what you want, including - and especially - professionally.

If you have a business, this vision needs to be clear not only to you but to all employees.

4. Law of Focus

"I run like this, not as the uncertain thing; thus I fight, not as beating in the air" (1 Corinthians 9: 26)

To achieve what you have set, your "vision" for the future, the focus is required.

One of the best ways to focus on this is to have a plan. In this plan, you must set annual, half-yearly, monthly, and daily goals.

But, the author points out: success requires effort and often also great sacrifices. Be ready for it.

5. Planning Law

"Well-designed plans lead to plenty" (Proverbs 21: 5)

Along with the first laws, planning is one of the most important and ensures the success of any project.

There are 3 steps to planning:

  1. Long term planning;
  2. Medium-term planning;
  3. Daily planning.

As explained in the book "The 25 Biblical Laws of Success", it's this planning and strategy that has the power to put you in front of many other professionals and competitors.

Overview: The laws of labor

6. The labor law

"Every work is profitable, but to be alone in words leads to poverty" (Proverbs 14: 23).

Wishing, or even planning what you are going to do is not the same as putting it into practice. If it doesn't happen, it's no use.

As the authors says, to make everything possible, you must also have a purpose and believe in what you are doing.

In other words, William Douglas and Rubens Teixeira have identified that you need to trust and dedicate yourself.

7. Courage Law

"If you are weak in the day of trouble, your strength is small." (Proverbs 24: 10)

"Brave men obtain wealth." (Proverbs 11: 16b)

At this point of the book, they say that the pursuit to success often entails risks. After all, if you stay in the comfort zone, you lose opportunities and don't grow. The best combination is to be ready and courageous to take the initiative and take calculated risks strategically.

8. Resilience Law

"And he that selleth, and keepeth my works to the end, I will give him power over the nations." (Revelation 2: 26)

The authors state that the ability to resist and overcome adversity, that is, to be resilient, is the secret of those who grow professionally and achieve great wealth.

The Bible teaches that no matter what the problem, it's crucial that you remain hopeful and confident, willing to keep fighting to make your visions of the future a reality.

9. Law of joy

"Do all things without murmuring or claims." (Philippians 2: 14)

One thing is a fact: wasting your time complaining leads to nothing. And, according to the authors William Douglas and Rubens Teixeira, this law refers to that, making it clear that looking only at the past, complaining about what you have been through or need to do, only leads to failure.

In the book "The 25 Biblical Laws of Success" there are several biblical stories, including Esther's, giving an important lesson to readers: the past and context don't matter, what matters is that no matter where you are, it's always possible to make a difference and grow.

10. Refill Law

"For six days do your work, and on the seventh day keep the Sabbath; so that your ox and your donkey may have rest, and that your slave's son and the sojourner may be refreshed." (Exodus 23: 12)

As important as hard work, rest is also a fundamental part of your growth. It's through these breaks and leisure that you get the energy to deliver your best at work and make the best decisions.

Overview: The laws of integrity

11. Self-contracting law

Here, the authors highlight the importance of working well and working right. These will be the marks you will leave on your work and your colleagues.

And there is more, you can't pretend to be what you aren't, you'll be judged for what you do, not what you say.

So if you want to convince other people that you're a good professional, just get ready and do your best in what you do.

12. Law of honesty

"Do not take the property of another." (Exodus 20: 15 and Deuteronomy 5: 19)

Honesty is one of the foundations of integrity, and it also leaves a mark where you go. For success, the authors state that this honesty is even more important.

It's important for you to remember here the capital sins that undermine your growth strategy. Lack of honesty is often the result of one of those sins, such as greed or envy.

13. Name Law

"A good name is worth more than much richness." (Proverbs 22: 1)

As a professional, you should know that your name carries a brand, right? This is what you leave unimportant to your coworkers, for example.

According to the authors William Douglas and Rubens Teixeira, what they call a name is one of the most important things to reach success with harmony.

14. The Bran Law

"Don't be tricked by false words: the evil company does damage to good." (1 Corinthians 15: 33)

Perhaps the name of this law is strange, it soon becomes clear when you think of popular sayings, such as "who lies with dogs, arises with fleas".

It's very difficult to be the only 1 in a group and to influence someone. So, encourage your personal development.

Keeping this in mind is important both when choosing your friends and when you decide to have a partner.

15. Self-Control Law

"[...] Better to control your spirit than to conquer a city." (Proverbs 16: 32b)

To follow most of the laws we indicate here, you need self-control. And if you really want to achieve harmony and balance with money and success, it's even more important.

As explained in the book "The 25 Biblical Laws of Success", this can even avoid problems when we think of common workplace situations.

Overview: The Laws Of Relationship

16. The law of love

"[...] And he said to him, have love for the Lord your God with all heart. This is the first and greatest rule. And the second like it is this, Have love for your neighbor as for yourself." (Matthew 22: 36-39)

Although initially sounding idealistic, this law is critical for you to develop in any environment. William Douglas and Rubens Teixeira explains that it may seem difficult, but understanding and respecting each other is important to great success today.

Doing for others what you would like to receive and valuing them are lessons that will transform your relationships within the workplace.

17. The law of agreement

"Is it possible for two going walking together, if not by agreement?" (Amos 3: 3)

Just as important as the previous law, keeping peace and agreement among your coworkers, partners, customers, and even competitors is one of the steps that help you succeed professionally.

18. Utility Law

"Whoever keeps a fig-tree will have its fruit, and the servant waiting on his master will be honored." (Proverbs 27: 18)

In the book "The 25 Biblical laws of success" it is shown how important is being able to do good yet not doing it is as reprehensible as any of the sins we cited.

Doing well is a way of nurturing good relationships, and in the case of the work environment, it's a way of standing out and gaining opportunities.

19. Counseling Law

"Where there are no wise suggestions, purposes come to nothing; but by a number of wise guides they are made certain." (Proverbs 15: 22)

Relying on own understanding is a mistake. This law shows that seek advices - and from people with different points of view - is a determining factor in making good decisions.

In addition to advice, seeking feedback from people close to you will also help you understand if you are following the right path. Learning not only to receive but also to give feedback will make you a better leader.

20. Law of leadership

William Douglas and Rubens Teixeira explains that while leadership is an important process for success, it isn't as difficult to achieve as you might think. The key is to build trust and build your authority.

That is why it is so important to pursuit this kind of skills for your development.

Overview: The laws of personal evolution

In this Chapter of the book "The 25 Biblical Laws of Success", it are addressed some personal aspects, and how you can lead a more grateful life and change results in your business.

21. Gratitude Law

"If anyone gives back evil for good, evil will never go away from his house." (Proverbs 17: 13)

Be grateful to those who have done you good, but also avoid focusing your thinking on those who have done you harm.

One of the major downgrading criteria in job interviews is the badmouthing of the previous job boss. Which definitely do not aggregate to the company's life and can prejudice your balance in life, point that is a key for success.

22. Law of generosity

"Who gives blessing will be made fat, but the curser will himself be cursed." (Proverbs 11: 25)

In this segment, it is commented about providing support in solidarity leaves a mark on people. They will remember you for it, and their gratitude may return to you in the form of new opportunities and help.

23. The law of contentment

"[...] But if we have food and a roof over us, let that be enough." (1 Timothy 6: 8)

It may sound contradictory, but the truth is that settling for what you have today can help you grow.

That's because, for William Douglas and Rubens Teixeira, being satisfied means taking your time, which can help you put your plans into action carefully and efficiently.

24. Employability Law

Now, if you have followed all the previous laws, you will probably benefit from the employability law, which is like a combination of attributes for recognition and job success.

Among the attributes, the authors cite being hard worker, having technical competence, honesty, loyalty, and others.

25. Law of sowing

"[...] Whatever a seed a man puts in, that will he get back as grain." (Galatians 6: 7)

According to the book "The 25 Biblical Laws of Success", many people read these passages only from spiritual bias, not understanding that it also applies to career or business.

They explain that you have complete freedom to sow whatever you want, but you will reap exactly what you sow.

What do other authors say about it?

You may have heard that market research and what products are coveted by the market are the most important part of preparation before starting a business. From it, you can identify your consumer audience and build your product according to your niche market.

However, Simon Sinek in the book "Start with Why" does not agree with that. He believes, of course, that the most important part is discovering and understanding his "why." This is a process of discovery, not an invention that occurs overnight.

"Traction", by author Gino Wickman, explores how successful entrepreneurs have an attractive and well-defined vision for their business. In addition, they know how to communicate this message to employees.

Finally, in "Life-Changing Secrets from the 3 Masters of Success", you will find several lessons about success, which is linked, according to the work, to a personal plan that must be executed using the powers of the human subconscious.

Okay, but how can I apply this to my life?

There are several ways to incorporate the teachings of the work into our daily lives. Among them, the following stand out:

  • Keep in mind that financial success can be achieved, and it doesn't depend on luck or miracle;
  • Work on aspects of your life to overcome the deadly sins that lead to failure;
  • Know where you want to go and plan your way there;
  • Feed good relationships by being generous and loving to others;
  • Receive feedback and advice, and learn to give feedback too and you will become a good leader;
  • Remember that whatever you sow, you reap. Plant success and reap it.

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