Did you know that 32% of Brazilian workers suffer from burnout, according to the International Stress Management Association (ISMA - BR)? Did you also know that according to data from the 2019 Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde (PNS), Brazil is the country with the highest number of depressed people in Latin America?
Alarming data, isn't it? And they have become even more critical in the context of the pandemic of COVID-19. Thus, changes in the management model have become crucial for the sustainable permanence of employees, and consequently, the growth of the company with satisfactory results.
In this summary of the book “Líder Humano Gera Resultados”, you will learn the importance of authentic communication, true connection, and practices to achieve collective success through the exercise of "compassionate leadership".
Do you want to learn this new humanized management model and how it can be a revolution in the leadership of your teams? Then, continue reading this PocketBook and discover the insights of the author Ligia Costa.
The book “Líder Humano Gera Resultados”, in free translation “Human Leader generates results” was written by Ligia Costa and published in 2021, by Editora Gente Autoridade.
The work has 177 pages and is organized into 7 chapters that address the theme of leadership. In particular, it discusses a new model that the author calls “compassionate leadership”.
Besides addressing the leader's posture and good management practices, the book also brings successful cases, research data, reports, and the author's experiences. It also proposes meditation practices, mindfulness, and journaling, that is reflective writing, leading the reader to reflect on and practice what is discussed.
Ligia Costa is a writer, speaker, and researcher, who has a degree in Marketing from Mackenzie University and a graduate degree in Organizational Management and Public Relations from the Escola de Comunicação e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo (ECA-USP).
The author is certified in Mindfulness by the Bhutan Center for Happiness. She is also the creator of the movement “Liderar com Amor Gera Lucros”, in free translation “Leading with Love generates Profits”.
Among her outstanding professional activities, she was an intern at LucasArts Entertainment Company, owned by George Lucas - screenwriter and director of the Star Wars franchise - in Silicon Valley (United States); she was Yahoo's Regional Marketing Executive Director in teams of eight Latin American countries.
The reading of “Líder Humano Gera Resultados” is recommended for managers, leaders, entrepreneurs, people who are in group management and want to achieve better results, through the exercise of a more humanized and effective leadership.
The work is also essential for those who want to seek tools in the training process to become a manager; or for those who are looking for more assertive practices that generate changes to become more humanized companies, such as compassionate leadership, presented by the author.
Do you have no time to read now? Then download the free PDF and read wherever and whenever you want:
The world is constantly changing and we are continually seeking to understand how it has changed, aren't we? Considering the various transformations, or accelerations, of the pandemic context due to the COVID-19 virus, a new definition begins to be used: “BANI world”.
The acronym comes from the words: Brittle, Anxious, Nonlinear, and Incomprehensible. These words are used a lot in our daily life, especially when talking about the mental health problems that society is facing.
There is no way to talk about mental health without relating it to the world of work, taking into consideration the time spent working, and that many problems in this area are caused by excess or inadequate conditions for the exercise of the activity. Among them, Ligia Costa emphasizes stress, anxiety, and burnout.
Having all these issues in mind, it is possible to realize that people are facing adversities that generate disconnection, therefore, work relations have been unsustainable. On the other hand, when talking about the relationships between managers and employees, this picture can get even worse.
According to the author, we are currently facing a collapse in the management of organizations and this has occurred due to the frequent practice of reactive, retrograde, and extremely critical leadership types.
How many times have you heard a story, or even experienced something similar, in which the boss yelled or offended the employee because he was not satisfied with some result?
According to the book, these “conventional” leadership models are based on control and fear. Therefore, they generate an environment based on psychological insecurity, since the employees are afraid to express themselves and even to be victims of the leaders' behaviors when they are in an altered emotional state.
It is important to emphasize that there are different styles of leadership and that there is not only one which is correct, the author even mentions some: autocratic, democratic, liberal, coach, servant, and situational. Later on, she introduces the style she supports: compassionate leadership.
The urgency of a new management model, which perceives the needs of the teams in a more humanized way, becomes even more evident in relation to minority groups and/or groups with low representation in the labor market. The appreciation of diversity and inclusion must be characteristics of this model.
The book brings some information and data to tangibly exemplify these situations:
This way, it can be asked how prepared the companies are to change these situations, not only with the intention of fulfilling some mandatory legal requirement, but for a real integration. According to the writer, this can be achieved with a more human posture from the leader, based on compassion and love.
While traditional forms of management are based on hierarchy, ego clashes, the need for power and control, a compassionate leadership, on the other hand, focuses on the experience and needs of others, and the well-being of the team.
Obviously, to adopt this posture does not remove problems or make tasks easier, because being a team manager is a challenge.And it must be overcome, according to the work, with the clarity of who you are, in the service of others, and generating impact in the community.
The author states that acting with sympathy generates disconnection, but acting with empathy generates sustainable relationships. It is important to highlight that having an empathetic attitude does not imply offering all the solutions, but connecting with what the employee has been going through, through active listening.
A work environment in which the team feels good, welcome, and safe will make people happier and generate more results for the company.
The importance of people's level of happiness has been the subject of many debates, but it has also generated an indicator, the GNH: Gross Internal Happiness. It arose as a result of the approach adopted by a king in the small Asian country of Bhutan.
This country became known in the 1970s when the fourth king, Jim Signye Wangchuck, stated that Gross Domestic Happiness (GDH) would be more important than Gross Domestic Product (GDP), so the State should be responsible for setting government policies focusing on happiness and not only on the economy.
The adoption of this new vision brings out a more human leadership. Being it driven by a systemic vision and based on collective goals, and also allowing each member of the team to achieve their personal and professional goals.
The development of this consciousness of humanity is generated by the incentive of “if one wins, everyone wins”. And this should be stimulated by leading with love, which will consequently result in good results and profit.
However, to achieve this change, we need to go through a process of deconstruction, especially in relation to our standpoints, since they are based on what we believe and defend.
The author states that we all have prejudices and that we act according to unconscious and ingrained biases, and we can classify them into:
In order to identify them, and then generate a transition, self-knowledge is necessary. Therefore, the book proposes a series of mindfulness exercises and journaling practices that can be tools to help and optimize the process of becoming a compassionate leader.
First, it is important to emphasize that, according to the author, the adoption of this new model consists of 3 pillars:
These skills or practices can be developed if intentionally incorporated by the manager. Since, according to the work, compassion is trainable.
Lead with compassion is to reject traditional conflict-based leadership models, which are focused on competition and the enemy’s destruction, reframing the vision to be able to collaborate, serve, and contribute.
According to the author Ligia Costa, the leader must be like an alchemist, stimulating engagement and taking advantage of opportunities, guiding the management in the promotion of psychological safety.
The development of this security in the workplace brings the vision that everyone is liable to mistakes, and therefore they are allowed. Through failures, it is possible to make tests, adaptations, and consequently, chances for growth and improvement.
The establishment of these new habits and attitudes will require the balance of skills and the addition of many intelligences. The work quotes one of the authors of the book “Conscious Capitalism”, Raj Sisodia, when presenting the SELFLESS leadership style, which means being altruistic. So we have:
In relation to the skills to be implemented by leaders, Ligia Costa addresses the Shakti concept, which comes from India. It deals with the balance between strengths and abilities attributed to the masculine and feminine. However, it does not refer to gender, but to the balance of these two poles in business.
Finally, the book brings six essential competencies for compassionate leadership, which will transform not only the relationship with employees, but also the manager himself:
The journey to become a human leader, and thus produce even better results, needs to be followed by a significant amount of learning and self-knowledge. Therefore, the recommendation to make the exercises suggested by the author can guide you at the beginning of this path.
In the book “The Kind Leader”, the author Karyn Ross brings the importance of kindness in good leadership practices and the influence of this attitude in the organizational culture.
While in “Firms of Endearment”, authors Raj Sisodia, David B. Wolfe, and Jag Sheth argue that a win-win scenario is possible by building businesses with love and care.
Finally, author Brené Brown, states in her book “Dare to Lead” that it is necessary to have courage and make yourself vulnerable in order to be a stronger leader, and thereby overcome problems and uncertainties.
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