Book Summary The Pomodoro Technique - Francesco Cirillo, PDF

The Pomodoro Technique - Francesco Cirillo

Don't put off for tomorrow what you can do today, but what to do when 24 hours is not enough? Learn how pomodorize your day.

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As Steve Miller Band used to sing, "time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin' into the future". However, they are not the only ones who see the time flying like an eagle.

The philosopher Andrew James Taggart explains that the current feeling of lack of time is not a problem caused by the new technologies, and much less a recent phenomenon.

This feeling is historical and is related to the way we live and perceive the world. The author of the book "The Pomodoro Technique", Francesco Cirillo, explains that this is linked to two aspects that seem to coexist with respect to time: the becoming and the succession of events.

Continue reading this summary and learn what these aspects are and how to "pomodorize" your day, that is, how to use the Pomodoro technique to optimize your time!

About the book "The Pomodoro Technique"

The book "The Pomodoro Technique" was published on August 14, 2018, by Currency publishing house.

The book has 160 pages divided into 3 main chapters. In them, the author teaches the details of the Pomodoro Technique so that you can learn to use your time wisely.

About the author Francesco Cirillo

Francesco Cirillo created the Pomodoro technique in the 1980s. His technique was adopted worldwide by productivity experts. Currently, he is the owner of Cirillo Consulting.

In addition, he works as a Software Designer and Agile Coach.

To whom is this book indicated?

The book "The Pomodoro Technique" is ideal for you who feel that 24 hours a day is not enough to be productive, because you can't use your time to get things done wisely.

It is also ideal for students and professionals who want to create more productive routines.

Main ideas of the book "The Pomodoro Technique"

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[Book Summary] The Pomodoro Technique - Francesco Cirillo

The Pomodoro Technique

The aim of the Pomodoro Technique is to make time your greatest ally in accomplishing what you want in the way you want, and to continuously improve our performance at work or in our studies.

But what exactly is time?

For Francesco Cirillo, it is linked to two aspects:

  1. Becoming: It is the abstract and dimensional characteristic of time that gave rise to the habit of measuring, duration of an event and the notion of being late;
  2. Succession of events: It is the concrete aspect of the temporal order: we wake up, shower, eat breakfast, study, eat lunch, take a nap, play, eat dinner, and sleep.

Therefore, following the following steps of the Pomodoro technique will help your time management:


Reaching your individual goals

The traditional Pomodoro is 30 minutes long: 25 minutes of work plus a 5-minute break. At the beginning of each day, choose the tasks you want to tackle from the Activity Inventory Sheet, prioritize them, and write them down in the To Do Today Sheet.

However, nothing prevents you from adapting the pomodoro to your specific needs. Any good time management technique should be adaptable to the reality of those who practice it.

In addition, to "pomodorize" your day remember the following objectives:

  • Find out how much effort an activity requires: Count how many pomodoros you spend to accomplish an activity;
  • Cut down on interruptions: Always try to avoid losing focus and keep your attention on the task you are performing;
  • Estimate the effort for activities: From the analyses in goal 1, try to predict how much time each activity will cost you throughout the day;
  • Make the pomodoro more efficient: This happens when you manage to use the timer systematically, without interruptions, and begin to master estimating;
  • Set up a timetable: The key to organizing a schedule is to make conscious decisions about how to put it together;
  • Define your own personal improvement objective: Naturally, if you want to improve yourself, the goals of the pomodoro reports will change over time.

Reaching Your Team Goals

The benefits of using a time management strategy like the Pomodoro Technique in your team are many. These include reducing friction among team members and the need for meetings, and helping the team complete its goals and activities on time.

However, the techniques to "pomodorize" your team's time are more complex because they take into account different people.

Therefore, the author lists some techniques to use with your team:

  • The Practice of the Counter: It enables the team to protect itself from a high number of external interruptions and to share knowledge among team members;
  • The Practice of the Pomodoro Hackathon: It enables the team to consider and choose from several solutions in the least amount of time possible;
  • The Practice of the Ram: This enables teams to complete an activity by using the experience of all their members while maintaining their flow.

So, ready to take the next step? Get your timer, templates and Pomodoro worksheets and start managing your time better today!

What do other authors say about it?

The book "Taking Control of Your Time", by Harvard Business School, suggests that for a good time management you should avoid information overload, lead for quick results, make every meeting an important event, use the power of delegation, and that prioritizing is the first step to good time management.

The book "Essentialism" by Greg McKeown also addresses the idea that less is more and that few things are really essential in your life. Therefore, creating a routine is important to focus only on what is essential.

Finally, in "Focus", Daniel Goleman builds on the idea that self-awareness is a focus that works like an internal compass. Therefore, concentrating on achieving a goal requires self-control to subdue your impulses and ignore intrusive emotions.

Okay, but how can I apply this to my life?

  • Write down your interruptions on your cell phone, computer, or a piece of paper to deal with them as soon as the timer rings;
  • Make a list of priorities;
  • Discover the power of habit;
  • Be kind to yourself and set real goals.

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