Mastery - Robert Greene

Mastery - Robert Greene

Success does not consist of an exact formula, but a set of habits that make you come out of inertia. Discover how to start your journey towards success with focus, persistence and strength to change!

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Are feelings of helplessness present in everything you do? Do you give up on your projects before you even start them? If the answer is yes, the book "Mastery", by author Robert Greene, was made for you.

Many times we are faced with the success of other people and we think that we could never be so lucky, which leads to a stagnation of our professional and personal life.

Following Robert's thesis, know that success does not have a right formula. In this PocketBook, we will talk about what you need to know to achieve your goals and get out of inertia: persistence, perspicacity and willpower to change.

Want to learn more about how to achieve continuous learning focused on creative freedom? So come on!

About the book "Mastery"

The book "Mastery" (2013), written by the author Robert Greene, is a research on the path of success, going over the entire path of real success stories to prove that mastery does not come from luck, genetics or other social factors.

Based on the stories portrayed, the writer details the six steps to mastery, using the example of past masters such as Mozart, Leonardo da Vinci, and Albert Einstein, as well as contemporary people.

Such examples are true teachings to reveal to us the path taken so we may reach our goals.

About the author Robert Greene

Robert Greene was born in the city of Los Angeles, where he currently resides.

He has an academic background in Classical Studies, was the editor of Esquire, among other magazines, is a playwright and has worked as a screenwriter in Hollywood.

In 1995, he was involved in the creation of the Fábrica art school in Venice, Italy. In addition, as a writer he accumulates other great successes such as "The 48 Laws of Power", "The Art of Seduction", "33 Strategies of War" and "The 50th Law".

To whom is this book indicated?

The content of the book "Mastery" is ideal for people who are looking to become something more and do not believe in their own potential or do not have the strength to achieve what they want.

In addition, author Robert Greene portrays that no matter what your talent is; if you strive, study and practice incessantly, you will achieve mastery in what you do.

Main ideas of the book "Mastery"

  • The importance of reflecting on our mission in life;
  • Success is the result of a long time of study and practice;
  • Social relationships are important in our journey, whether for success or for a healthy life in society.
  • There is nothing such as magic or innate intelligence when it comes to the process of mastery. We already have a predisposition for this, we only need to work our inclinations and abilities to our advantage;
  • The importance of having an orientation. Finding a good mentor is important to achieving mastery of success.

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[Book Summary] Mastery - Robert Greene

Overview: Introduction

The maximum power strength

In the introduction of the book "Mastery", the author Robert Greene presents us what drives the sensation of mastery. It is a maximum form of power that usually reaches its peak in moments of tension.

On a daily basis, we live our dreams and desires only inside, like shells. However, when external forces compel us to act in an exceptionally different way, it is when we put our ideas into practice and connect them with the world.

This maximum force of power, unfortunately, only appears in these moments of conflict and then evaporates, returning to an inner process. Few people can persist in keeping this outer process active. And guess what: these people develop mastery.

Process stages that culminate in the maximum power force:

  • Learning: refers to the moment when we have not yet put the learning into practice, having only a superficial image of reality;
  • Creative-active: this is the phase where we gain the ability to experiment and act in other situations;
  • Mastery: this is the stage when our level of knowledge is so deep that we already have the power to manage and share it in society.

The Evolution of Mastery

Since prehistoric times, human beings have always needed moments of Mastery so that the course of their history would not decline. As an example, we have our ancestors, who stopped being hunted and became hunters.

It is in the soul of mental transformation to a process of mastery that two simple biological traits meet: the visual and the social.

Paths to Mastery

Our intellectual ability is not directly linked to our success. For various other aspects are necessary to reach the apex of realization, one of them being the emotional attribute.

Our desire, persistence, and confidence are more valuable than our ability to reason.

Overview: Discover Your Vocation

In the first chapter of the book "Mastery", the writer Robert Greene portrays that the great masters we know have discovered their skills in childhood and worked on them.

Therefore, he ratifies the importance of discovering our vocations early on.

Hidden force

The author uses the example of artist Leonardo da Vinci, who perseveringly followed the guidance of this hidden force that he had until he could complete his successful trajectory.

Paths to Mastery

People with the ability to be great masters cannot do it because they never believe they really have that ability. They wear a mask that hides their true potential.

If you can pay attention to who you really are and believe in the strength of yourself, you can become a great master!

Strategies for Discovering Your Life Mission

Connecting with yourself and understanding your life mission can seem easy. Author Robert Greene states in his book "Mastery" that this is a task that requires planning and strategy in order to deal with obstacles.


Some setbacks in our path may prevent us from achieving success. When you find them, adopt the following strategy: resist the temptations to be like others and ignore the weaknesses.

Your life mission may not be the result of a grand or promising inclination, but you can be very successful when you can get around and overcome difficulties.

Overview: Submit yourself to ideal learning

In this part of the book "Mastery", the concept of ideal learning to achieve success is addressed.

Understanding the importance of learning is one of the keys to success. Author Robert Greene provides strategies for completing your ideal learning:

  • Value learning, never money;
  • Broaden your horizons;
  • Restore the feeling of inferiority;
  • Trust the process;
  • Increase endurance and overcome pain;
  • Learn from failure;
  • Combine the "how" with the "what";
  • Advance by trial and error.


In this process there is no possible deviation, as there are no ways to get around the learning phase. Our brain has the nature of requiring long exposure to a certain area.

This enables our complex skills to constantly incorporate, freeing up mental space for other new activities.

Overview: Incorporate the Master's Power

Here, author Robert Greene shows the importance of having mentors on our journey to success. We must follow people we admire and are a reference in the area we aim for. In this way, we are able to absorb knowledge to later generate our own style.

According to the book "Mastery", we should not be in the shadow of our mentors. Our goal must be to be able to overcome them.

Strategies for deepening mentor dynamics

  • Choose the mentor according to your needs and inclinations;
  • Contemplate the mirror that the mentor holds in front of you;
  • Transform his ideas;
  • Create a mentor-learner dynamic.


We can't always count on having a mentor, even if it's not recommended. In such situations we must convert this need into virtue.

The author Robert Greene uses the example of Thomas Alva Edison, who self-taught developed confidence and independence, and succeeded even without a mentor.

Overview: See people for what they really are

In this part of the book "Mastery", the author Robert Greene explains that when we have social intelligence we can achieve a lasting and true mastery. This means that we must see people as they are.

To do so, we need to overcome our self-centeredness and seek an understanding of the behavior of others.

Strategies for acquiring social intelligence

  • Speak through your work;
  • Develop the appropriate persona;
  • See yourself as others see you;
  • Tolerate fools.


If you don't know or can't handle cases that need your full social intelligence, the best step to take is to get away from the situation. However, this will happen and you won't be able to handle large audiences or large enterprises.

The most prudent decision is to try to develop mechanisms that let you know how to manage the situation.

Overview: Awakening the creative-active mind

In the fifth part of the book "Mastery", the author Robert Greene highlights the importance of not settling for what we already know, but always seeking to expand our knowledge. This will guarantee us an incomparable originality. For that, we must always stimulate our creativity.

Paths to Mastery

Greene addresses the concept of dimensional mind and its two essential needs. The first is a high level of knowledge about a particular area or subject of study. The second is the flexibility to use this knowledge in new and original ways.

The author clarifies the three essential steps of the creative process:

  1. The creative task: we must change our own concept of creativity, looking at it from a new angle;
  2. Creative strategies: cultivate negative capacity; return to primitive forms of intelligence; change your perspective; stimulate the mind; make room for serenity;
  3. The creative break - tension and insight: Robert Greene uses the example of Albert Einstein, who one night decided to give up on solving general relativity and upon waking up the next day, found the solution to the problem.

Emotional Traps

When we reach the creative-active phase, new challenges can reach us, such as the emotional trap. We may be insecure or overly confident.

Some common threats that can disrupt our trajectory:

  • Complacency;
  • Conservatism;
  • Dependence;
  • Impatience;
  • Greatness;
  • Inflexibility.


To create truly meaningful works, we need discipline, self-control, and emotional stability.

We must keep in mind that creative energy is the result of a lot of effort.

What do other authors say about it?

In "Unlimited Power", Tony Robbins explains that generally, a successful person walks in a higher, more imposing manner, demonstrating self-esteem. One way to succeed, then, would be to replicate this behavior and begin to walk the same way, more imposingly.

In "Awaken the Giant Within", the author Tony Robbins explains that maintaining commitment to your decisions can be challenging, but the harder you try, the easier it gets. So when you fail to evoke a change in your life, don't be discouraged. Instead, think about what you can learn from failure.

Finally, in the book "Focus", Daniel Goleman argues that practice only brings you closer to perfection if done intelligently, that is, if the person practicing is using that time to make adjustments and improvements. How much attention you pay during practice is crucial.

Okay, but how can I apply this to my life?

In order for you to achieve your Mastery level, we have listed some final tips, which are:

  • Learn to find your life mission by listening to yourself and not denying who you really are;
  • Discover your true vocation and study it with perseverance;
  • Focus on your learning;
  • Value the masters who will be in your path;
  • Learn how to deal with upcoming setbacks using your social and emotional intelligence;
  • Value your creativity and don't let it fade over time.

The mastery taught by the author Robert Greene is available to all who want it and struggle to win it. It just depends on you to achieve it!

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Book “Mastery”