O Novo Código da Cultura - Sandro Magaldi, José Salibi

O Novo Código da Cultura - Sandro Magaldi, José Salibi

Learn everything that a cultural transformation in your company can cause so that it can be completely adapted to the needs of a new management model.

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Have you ever thought that your company could be more innovative? Have you ever thought that your company could have a free dress code or pool tables? In this summary of the book "O Novo Código da Cultura", you will learn how to carry out a complete Cultural transformation in your company.

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About the book "O Novo Código da Cultura"

The book "O Novo Código da Cultura", "The New Culture Code" in free translation, written by Sandro Magaldi and José Salibi Neto was published in 2018 by Editora Gente. Its special edition, which was the basis of the review, has 142 pages that are divided into 4 chapters.

After the success of the first book "Gestão do Amanhã", the authors decided to create a guide to help entrepreneurs and managers to implement the cultural changes necessary in this new model of managing a business.

The new book brings, through an easy and light reading, information, and knowledge for all managers to be able to develop a Cultural Transformation in companies.

The work includes cases from Amazon, Netflix, Lego, and the Brazilian company, Magazine Luiza.

About the authors Sandro Magaldi e José Salibi Neto

Sandro Magaldi is co-founder of Meusucesso. com and is considered one of the leading experts in sales, management, and strategy. He is also a mentor at the Endeavor Institute, Counselor at Cia. De Talentos and professor at ESPM and Fundação Dom Cabral.

José Salibi is a co-founder of HSM and currently dedicates his time to helping companies and people.

José graduated from the Darla Moore School of Business, in South Carolina, in the United States. In addition, he has worked with quite influential personalities, such as Peter Drucker and Bill Clinton.

Both authors also wrote the books "Gestão do Amanhã" and "O Que As Escolas de Negócio Não Ensinam".

To whom is this book indicated?

The content covered is recommended for leaders and managers who want to adapt their company to the needs of innovation and delivery of results in the current world.

The authors teach that in order to achieve this goal, Cultural Transformation in companies is necessary.

Thus, the book "O Novo Código da Cultura" is also suitable for professionals who want to adapt to this new environment and have a distinguished career.

Main ideas of the book "O Novo Código da Cultura"

In this summary, we will address the following topics:

  • To transform a company, it takes technology and people;
  • To transform beliefs, it is necessary to transform the company's culture;
  • Innovation and cultural transformation is long-term work;
  • Immediately hinders innovation;
  • Organizational Culture for being summarized in three levels: Artifacts, Norms, and Beliefs;
  • There are five elements for a cultural transformation: Time, Recognition System, Leadership, Practice, and Communication;
  • There are eight types of culture focuses: Reception, Purpose, Learning, Pleasure, Results, Authority, Security, Order;

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[Book Summary] O Novo Código da Cultura - Sandro Magaldi, José Salibi

Overview: It's not just a cool environment

To start the transformation of a business, it is necessary to understand that technology acts as a vector of transformatio n, but that alone is not enough. The essence of change is people.

Sandro Magaldi and José Salibi bring the concept that a company is the union of several people who come together to achieve a common goal. This union is strengthened with the company's culture.

Culture, for the authors, is a set of beliefs and values common to the environment. That is why it is not possible to transform a corporate environment without changing the cultural essence.

People need to be committed, understand the reason, and believe in the proposed change. For that, it is necessary to strengthen the union of a team, which happens through culture. Thus, to transform the environment, it is necessary to transform culture.

Know that leaders, in general, are dedicated to changing business strategies. When this movement is not linked to a change in culture, the process generally tends to fail.

The danger of solid culture

You have certainly heard that a solid culture is good for every company, right? This is beneficial, but it needs attention.

The authors say that in this situation, there is the possibility of a company becoming inflexible in the face of the changes required by the new management models. In this way, what is a strength can become a weakness. It is necessary to pay attention to these details!

The danger of immediately

One of the factors that most hinder the adequacy of new management is the need for immediate results and the short-term vision of some managers and companies.

Innovation does not happen overnight. It is a long-term and long-term job.

The authors bring a survey published in the Harvard Business Review, which showed that more than 89% of the companies surveyed stated that the most used culture is the one focused on results.

In this scenario, short-term results are prioritized. In this way, innovation is left as a second priority, which is a very dangerous attitude and can harm the company's long-term growth.

Overview: What is an organizational culture?

So far you are already aware that in order to form a more innovative company, it is necessary to modify the organizational culture so that it is possible to reach the people who generate the changes. But do you know how to define what an organizational culture is?

To assist in this matter, Salibi and Magaldi, cite the studies of the author Edgar Schein, who lists three levels to define culture. For Edgar, culture is composed of:

  1. Artifacts;
  2. Norms and values;
  3. Basic beliefs or assumptions.

Artifacts make up the first level, which is the most visible. In this niche are the elements that actually represent a culture. Is it abstract? Let's make it easy!

The company's rituals, facilities, and the way the team lives the company's mission are part of the artifacts.

The second level consists of Norms and Values. This is where a company's written and unwritten standards come in. In this niche, it is possible to make it clear to team members what is or is not allowed within the company.

We can define norms as behaviors. Values, in turn, can be defined as what is important for the components of culture. These are formed with the evolution of the organization. Many values are followed, even without being recorded anywhere.

Finally, it is the deepest level, with Basic Beliefs or Assumptions. This niche is the essence of a company. They are hardly shown explicitly, as they are usually unconscious.

That is, there are those rules that exist, that everyone follows, even without knowing why. It is what the organization believes is not open to negotiation or questioning.

Culture is so important that sometimes unspoken rules are worth more than a leader's speech.

It is possible to observe the culture also through the degree of loyalty among the team members.

Ah, it is extremely important that you do not confuse Culture with Organizational Climate.

Climate is the daily feeling and changes constantly. Culture, in turn, is shaped over time, permanent, lasting, and its transformation is slow.

Overview: The elements of a cultural transformation

In order to achieve a cultural change, it is necessary to change the mentality of the collective, that is, the team.

Thus, it is important to keep in mind that the restructuring of new practices tends to the development of new artifacts, norms, values and beliefs.

For this, it is important to know what are the necessary elements for a transformation. The authors listed 5 items, they are:

1. Time

As mentioned, cultural changes take time. It will not have a short-term result. It is important that everyone is aware of this.

2. Recognition system

To develop a new culture, it is necessary to develop a new recognition system.

There is no reason to only have short-term result awards since the transformation takes longer. This can generate demotivation for the innovation team.

3. Leadership

The company's leadership must understand, engage, and participate in the entire process of innovation and development of a new management model. This activity cannot be treated as a second option because it does not generate results in the short term. It is just as important as the others.

"Leadership by example gains even more intense contours in a cultural transformation since the pace of change and consolidation of new practices, processes, and rituals will be given by its leaders."

4. Practice

It is necessary to adopt new practices and artifacts. As cultural change takes longer, it is possible to generate greater engagement from the whole team, especially at the first level of definition of culture, which everyone is looking at.

Thus, it is also important to change items such as the Dress Code, systematic meetings, and the layout of the company, as well as forgetfulness of some practices and adopting others.

5. Communication

Know that if people do not understand, do not understand what is happening, and do not understand the importance of transformation, there will be no engagement. For this, open and transparent communication is essential for the process of cultural transformation.

Overview: Ways to start the Cultural Transformation process

At first, it is important to identify the current status of the company. It is necessary to define the characteristics, beliefs, values, and behaviors of all members. After that, it is possible to start the transformation.

Know that the company's structure and culture go hand in hand for effective change to take place.

In this way, leaders need to develop and engage everyone in pursuit of a common goal. Building multidisciplinary teams can be very beneficial at this time.

For this to happen, it is extremely important to use agile methodologies to make the environment more dynamic, as well as the use of extremely efficient and clear communication to be able to learn and design new processes and practices.

Leaders must also structure new Organizational Principles in order to enhance cultural transformation.

Overview: The different types of culture

It is important that you know, right from the start, that there is no perfect culture.

For this part of the book, the authors cite the study by Boris Groysberg, Jeremiah Lee, Jesse Price, and Yo-Jud Cheng, published in Harvard Business Review Brasil in 2018, who came to the conclusion that there are 8 styles of culture, they are:

  1. Reception: In this environment, a warm place predominates. Leaders, in turn, emphasize sincerity, teamwork, and relationships;
  2. Purpose: Idealistic and supportive environment, generally tend to do good for society;
  3. Learning: Culture with a focus on exploration, innovation, and creativity through an innovative and liberal environment;
  4. Pleasure: Company focused on the fun and excitement of members. The environment is characterized by being carefree and spontaneous;
  5. Results: Focus on achievements through goals and valorization of meritocracy;
  6. Authority: People with determination and daring. They are generally in a competitive environment;
  7. Safety: Culture with a focus on planning and prevention. Behavior is generally realistic;
  8. Order: Extremely methodical place, with rules and procedures. Respect is one of the main characteristics.

Did you know that, within the analyzed companies, 89% have as their first characteristic to be focused on results?

Also know that, according to the authors, the culture of learning is the one that is most aligned with today and that most responds to the demand for innovation.

So, can you define the culture of your company?

What do other authors say about it?

Speaking about changes, in the book "Factfulness", the authors Hans, Ola, and Anna Rosling say that today we have an instinct to believe that things don't change anymore, and that prevents us from seeing many advances that are happening.

Charles Duhigg, in "The Power of Habit", stresses that there is no magic formula that will automatically change your habits, but with time and effort, habits can be shaped.

In "The 27 Challenges Managers Face", Bruce Tulgan will teach you how to motivate your team, move from colleague to leader, deal with conflicts, and increase productivity with limited resources.

Okay, but how can I apply this to my life?

  • Identify the Artifacts of your company;
  • Identify the Standards and Values;
  • Identify which Beliefs;
  • Communicate to everyone the importance of the Cultural Transformation process;
  • Define a common goal;
  • Engage the team;
  • Explain that changing culture will take time;
  • Design new recognition systems;
  • Restructure processes;
  • Modify the company structure;

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